Its bad to quit, right?

Quitters never win, and winners never quit – Vince Lombardi

I Never Quit?

Most of us have had a challenge in life that we wanted to quit. But, a little voice in our heads or perhaps a supportive friend said, “don’t quit, you can do it”. Recently, I was in the gym training a client and I was pushing myself to max out on pullups, somewhere around 17 I stated I would complete 25 but by 21 I was ready to quit. I hung there for a few seconds and contemplated giving up but my client said, “Come on Clinton, you can do it, only four more to go” It was at that point that I dug deep decided four more was easy and finished my pull-ups. when we were walking to our cars the same evening he said something very interesting to me. He said, “I’m glad you did not quit, my goal is to only quit when I’m seriously hurt”. It did not resonate with me at the moment until I was reading a status message of a friend on Facebook.

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